Over 25+ Sites That Pay You to Write Book Reviews and Receive Free Books

March 19, 2018

Do you have an opinion about books you read? Are they good reads are boring? Ever wanted to share your opinion about the book and how it could become better. We'll you can get "free" books in exchange of a review or get paid to become a Book Review Writer.

Here is a list of sites that exchange free books for reviews or pay you to be a Book Review Writer:

Online Book Club
The site allows you to contribute reviews on books. The first few times you write a review you get free books. After contributing your first reviews free once they see your review content you may receive offers for paid reviews. They pay $5-60 a review based on your content.

Read Dream Relax
Read Dream Relax is a blog for all genres of books. They are seeking book reviewers and you may email your inquiry to Laura along with samples of current reviews. You should get a response within 7 days.

The Writer Magazine
The Writer Magazine is an online magazine that accepts pitched stories from editors. You should hear back from them in a few weeks if they accept you review.

The US Review of Books
The site pays reviewers monthly. You have to inquire on the website about specific rate. As a guest blogger your reviews should be between 250 to 300 words long. You will receive offers from time to time on books that you can review and you can choose what genre of books. The editor will pick the best-matched reviewers for each book. The review should include honest opinions. If it is negative, then you need facts from the book as to why your review is a thumbs down.

Women's Review of Books
Wellesley College Women's Review of Books is about books written by women. The website is seeking book reviews on women's books. They are seeking professional creative writing skills. You may email your resume to the Editor in Chief to be considered a reviewer.
They pay $0.14 per word and they encourage you to express your ideas on book reviews.

TyWebbin is a site that gives you books in exchange for reviews and helps increase the exposure of your blog. They want you to have an active blog and they assist authors with online presence and with marketing.

Publisher's Weekly
Publisher's Weekly is a digital and print magazine that is focused on writers, and authors. The magazine ocassionally posts openings for reviewers.

LibraryThing is a group of publishers that will find the best matched book for reviewers. For every review, they will give you a free book.

Kirkus magazine has a section dedicated to author's spotlight and book reviews. They are looking for experienced English and Spanish book review writers. You must submit a resume and writing samples. Book reviews should be 350 words long.

Blogging for Books
Blogging for Books is a site that exchanges books for reviews. The opportunity for this company is worldwide and anyone can receive free books. You must have an active blog,  or have some form of ecommerce.

Tyndale Blog Network
Tyndale Blog Network has books in exchange for reviews. Print copies are available to U.S. residence only. Digital copies are available to international reviewers. The review must be posted on your blog as well as on retailer sites such as Amazon.

Any Subject Books
Any Subject Books is seeking honest reviews from critical thinkers. The website requests review occasionally and you can decide if you will accept the request to review.

MoodyPress is a site that is linked to Amazon. You can send reviews for books and receive a free book within 7 days. The review has to be written within 60 days.

Chicago Book Review
Chicago Book Review has a team of reviewers and is currently seeking reviewers for there fiction and non-fiction inserts. Once you are chosen as a reviewer, they give you a featured biography on the 'Meet the Reviewers' page. The page is great for exposure to becoming more of an online influencer. The books that you review are free. You have to send writing samples and resume to be a reviewer.

Na'amat USA
Na'amat USA is an organization that focuses on Israeli-American women and children. The magazine is seeking content related to its title. They pay book reviewers to review books for Jewish content.

Civitas Press
Civitas Press is a book publisher that is seeking reviewers to review their inspirational stories. To become a reviewer you must have an active blog and post the review on your blog and on Amazon.

Are you into astrology? Astronomy.com is the site to post reviews on books
and you receive free astronomy books for review must include a brief summary, short quotes, and a deep analysis of the book.

Book Browse 
Book Browse talks about First Impression program and allows reviewers to look at new books before they are published. The books are available once per month, and you are allowed 4 weeks to read and review the books. Reviews should be between 50 to 300 words.

BookLook Bloggers
can receive free books and you have to have an active blog and post at least once a month. You should also have 30 subscribers to your blog. They want you to post reviews within 90 days of initial book requests.  The review should be posted on your site and on retailer sites such as Amazon.

Net Galley
Net Galley gives you free books in exchange for reviews. They are seeking reviewers that are teachers, librarians, ,media and general book reviewers.   The term "galley" means that it has not been published. They also have a book community where you can network with other reviewers and authors.

News Pages
NewsPages is They are a resource hub for authors, publishers, writers, poets, and more.  To be considered as a reviewer, send a sample a the most recent book review you have done. They give you a month to write a review once you receive the book and it should be 800 words long.

Bethany House
Bethany House requires you to have a blog and you get free books.  The review must be 75 words long. The books are handed on a first come first serve basis so it is not guaranteed that you will get a book each month.

Springer is mainly focused on scientific and medical subjects. If you have great writing skills or a technical writer you should consider becoming a reviewer for Springer.  If your review is accepted you will receive 6 month membership to review 10 selections at a time.  You will also receive a free copy of the book after your review is accepted.

Contena is a job board and posts openings for book reviewers. You can get discounts on books and find review gigs that pay at different rates. You can also find other writing jobs at this site.

Story Cartel
Story Cartel is a site that features new authors and connects authors with potential readers. Books that are hosted on Story Cartel are free for registered users. They are seeking honest and constructive reviews about new authors about if they need to improve the story or the writing of the book.  

The New York Times already has expert book reviewers.  However, they are always seeking new books that are published to submit inquiries about getting their books reviewed in the New York Times Book section. For any inquiries, you can email books@nytimes.com.

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