Let's Encrypt
March 14, 2018Learn how to ecrypt your website for free. There has been many cyber attacks over the last decade. Cyber Security is a major necessity when dealing with data online. Many domain distributors recommend you use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (https) for websites. If you look at the beginning of each website there is a little padlock by the HTTPS that shows the website data is encrypted. Let's Encrypt improves search rankings and SEO.
Let's Encrypt is an opensource program for free that issues SSL certificates on websites. Let's Encrypt allows users to encrypt there website giving the sites the necessary security needed on the web. Encrypting your website is a necessity. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a a protocol used to keep data safe when being transferred over the internet.
The Internet Security Research Group (ISRG) is a group that consists of Cisco, Akamia, Mozilla, and Electric Frontier Foundation (EEF). The ISRG is run by the Linux Foundation. ISRG Executive Josh Was said that it is difficult to keep data protected on the internet. The only way to ensure you have protection over your data and private information is to encrypt everything. The Let's Encrypt project started back in 2015. Today they have issued over one million certificates.
You get Let's Encrypt today if your using Linux. With Windows server you can install the Windows Let's Encrypt with IIS. Windows UI is different from other servers so there are alternative ways to do encryption on Windows. Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) is the best protocol client to use to generate millions of security certificates at once. Cerbot, created by EEF, is the best client to use for Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and MacOS, except Windows. The only requirements are you need an administrative email showing you own the domains, and agree to Let's Encrypt terms. The webserver supports Apache, Nginx, and Haproxy. You need to root shell commands on Linux and other operating systems. A software package Synaptic will assist you in installing Cerbot. You also should install Python 2.6, 2.7, or 3.3+.
Once Cerbot is installed, put in the following command in the shell based on the web server for an example:
$ sudo certbot --nginx
Certificates with Let's Encrypt lasts for 90 days. You should automatically renew certificates. Put in the following command in the shell to renew certificates:
$ sudo certbot renew -dry-run
After you have verified the Cerbot has been checked input in shell commands:
certbot renew
Encryption has never been do easy and can be done from your web hosting domain panel. Some domain sites offer encryption services for your website. This is a basic guide on one way of how to encrypt your website. Google Chrome will flag sites that include login information or credit card processing and flag them as "not safe." Google search rankings will have preference for encrypted sites over encrypted sites. So encrypt your website if you want to stay on top of Google search rankings. Encryption will boost the overall performance of your website.