Positive Affirmations
March 01, 2018What are Positive Affirmations? Positive Affirmations are words or statements that are declarations of change and can manifest into reality. Your intent behind what you say in every word can change an entire atmosphere. The words above in the outline of the brain describes what we should speak to one another on a daily basis. These words are just a portion that builds our cognitive structure and belief systems. The universe knows when you are telling a lie. To bring manifestation, the key is you have to believe in what you say. We are all forms of energy and how we think determines our manifestation of reality. Many people are judgemental of others by our interest, daily. activities, the clothes we wear, where we live and who we associate ourselves with. All of these attributes project us to others as wo we are in this realm. To an extent it is true, but before passing labels it is wiser to ask questions about the present manifestation. The best thing to do is be your authentic self in the guidelines of having good morals.
There are universal laws that hold us to our words and actions. Be careful, as assumptions could be a dangerous thing if it is not true. You have to investigate to find out the universal truth. You have to watch what you say and also what you do. Your routine habits determine what you become. Do you wake up in the morning and thank God for this day? Do you focus on your health and go out for a run to get your cardio going? Do you stretch and meditate in the morning, because you feel your level of thinking is on a higher celestial frequency? Are you the kind that loves the smell of breakfast in the morning? Do you greet people during the day with a smile? Whatever you say or act on at the beginning of your day can determine the rest of your day.
When you affirm an action or words, you determine it to be true. As people, we must speak positive things into existence as if they were in existence. What you say and how you say things to others determine what direction you are headed.
As you know, we are the creation of energy. Some call it God. Others call it the Big Bang. Whatever direction you go, make sure the energy or the force that is with you has the intent that does not cause fear, selfishness, hate, chaos, depression, etc. If you look around, and not only think about our own selfish existence, you will find positive affirmations everywhere in people, places, and in words. Planning ahead of what you are going to do on a daily basis defeats the idle mind being negatives energy's playground to come in.
Take negative words, such as curse words, completely out of your vocabulary and you will witness that your approaches from others will be different.
If we use positive affirmations more often in our daily lives, imagine how much more power we would have to bend the realities of the universe to the original positive intent that it was created for in the first place.