SmartWatch Sucks Blood?
March 17, 2018There have been plenty of smart watches developed in the past years. As we approach the future more functions of the smart watch possibilities are revealed. The strangest request for a patent is when Google back in 2016 developed and proposed patents to the government about a smart watch that sucks your blood. Gizmodo started naming the watch "The Vampire Watch." We wonder what why it sucks blood. Previously you need a needle inserted in a vein to extract your blood but not with this device? Is there a catch? The watch is said to have the ability to check blood glucose, hormone levels, radical cells, reagents, and enzymes. The Smart Watch has the ability to detect everything in your body. The watch is said to possibly beneficial to people with diabetes and who take insulin. It also has a detachable chamber that is pressurized to prick your finger and extract your blood. However, the watch can take particles by using a watch instead of a needle to extract your blood.
The device can extract by accelerating the
speed and releases a gas from the valve to do a microscopic puncture in your skin membrane. Knowing the functions of this blood-sucker reminds me of a spy watch. Though is primary function is not to tell the time but to extract your DNA and the information from the blood draw reading would be posted on the world wide web (www).
Many believe this is the largest breach of privacy rights in history. The National Security Administration (NSA) collects billions of data including mobile phone data, online purchases, computer files, search history, selfies, and videos. The company's search engine has the ability to release billions of information on people worldwide. In 1984, George Orwell, also known as the Prism Clandestine Programme. Therefore, privacy virtually doesn't exist. Information and profiling data have been released to the NSA from companies like Facebook, Apple, and Google.
There is a chapter in Revelations 13 that says "And he will cause both small and great, rich and poor, bond and free to receive the mail of the beast on the right hand or on the forehead." Those who accept the mark will not be able to buy or sell. So anyone that commences to wear this watch is like taking the RFID chip. Think after having the CES Technology Convention that showcased a microchip that can download your consciousness. The Smartwatch, like a chip stores memory can upload your D.N.A. on a server. More questions arise as in what if the server is hacked? Further, the smartwatch aside from withdrawing blood can also have the capabilities to upload the blood on a server and use it for other municipal purposes.
Many remember the first big discussions of CERN and how the largest hadron collider was able to take you to alternate dimensions. There has been reports of extraterrestrial like or strange beings caught in the tunnels from other dimensions. The large Hadron collider is located in Geneva Switzerland and is built on top of the old site of the temple of Apollo of Rome . So how is it this watch has the ability to do a full analysis of blood at accelerated speeds and to where is it being extract? Before, a microchip was used to store memory, and now this smart watch is like a model of a mini hadron collider on your wrist. All the data collected from your blood will be uploaded onto servers and administered by tech companies who serve a larger system, or one. Your blood is a matrix and God code that is the last piece of information tech companies would love to dominate. The strive from extracting blood is said to create new innovations. However, many speculate on the intent of the Smartwatch.