"Black Lightning" DC Comics Airs on CW
"Black Lightning" is a new CW Television series. It is about a black superhero who Exec. Producer Greg Belanti has created the possibilities in the universe for the balance between being a superhero and having a family. The setting takes place in Suicide Slum. The character was written by Tony Isabella and illustrated by Trevor Von Eeden. The superhero is Jefferson Pierce played by Cress Williams. His children inherit metahuman capabilities from their father. Anissa (Nafessa Williams), known as Thunder, the eldest daughter, can transfer electromagnetic energy just by stomping on the ground. The youngest one Jennifer (China Anne McClain), known as Lightning has identical powers to her father but doesn't have full control of how to use her abilities. He is a viligant protector of the streets. He wanted to leave his past behind him and make a change. His daughter Lightning gets recruited by a street gang. Jefferson is given the ultimatum of allowing his daughter to be destructed by the street gang, or protect his family again by becoming "Black Lightning." He generates his powers through a technologically advanced super belt. His metagene activates the superbelt allowing him to control his powers.
The superhero first appeared in 1977 during the Bronze American Comics Age. The first episode aired on the CW network on January 16th, 2018. You can catch more of China Anne McClain on the Disney channel's Decendants 2. "Black Lightning" is DC Comics first African American superhero and the first to lead his own series. A while ago I did request DC Comics to have a black superhero. It is good to hear they finally granted our wishes. All new episodes air on Tuesdays at 9/8c.
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Cardi B speakes out on a live broadcast about the illuminati and how she thinks they are trying to kill her. She is a self invented entrepreneur that started out on Youtube, created a national tour, and mow a music artist. Cardi B is known for the hit song with Niki Minaj "Bodak Yellow." The thought was "If something happen to me just know the government try to kill me because ...I'm just beling real." Her song hit the top of the charts for her famous lyrics "These expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes." On the YoutubeTea channel Cardi B discusses why she thinks she is a target for the government. She also continues about how many people in the United States convert to being Vegan, and they still get sick and die. Cardi B discusses with her fans why foes the fruits and veggies in the U.S. have more longevity and can last from place to place when being manufactured. The average life span of fresh fruits and veggies are short in it's natural state.
Her family is originally from the Dominican Republic and approaching the age where she feela they need care. She wants to force her parents to move anywhere outside of the United States. Cardi B said she began to realize this when she started feeling sick. She said she would like to see her parents eat organic chickens, fruits, and vegetables that they grew themselves. The illuminati is a secret society where many conspiracy theorist believe they control the world government powers and plan to initiate the NWO. Many believe music artist go through a confrontation of temptation to sell their soul for fortune and fame and that this elite group is one of the groups that handle the artists agenda.
Singer Mary J. Blige, 47, is a 9 Grammy winning artist. She recently revealed last year that she was homless. The reason of the misfortune was due to abuse from her former husband. She has also appeared in 23 movies and 13 studio sessions. P. Diddy has been a long time support and collaborator for the R&B Hip Hop singer. She was honored with the Walk of Fame Star.
Mary J.Blidge is well known to fill her songs with emotion and life experiences. In 2016, Mary discussed about filing for divorce against her husband. Thanks to Producer Jimmy Lovine the singer was able to stay at his Malibu residence.
Blidge attended the Critic's Choice Awards in the evening in a stunning Vivinne Westwood gold gown by celeb stylist Law Roach. The singer admitted to her crowd of fans "There's been times in my career that I didn't even want to step out of my house, because I was hurt so bad." The singer talks in a podcast called "Award's Chatter" about how she could of easily died like former singer Whitney Houston who was also in an abusive relationship.
“#SocialGathering: Mary J. Blige Reveals She Was Once Homeless; Victoria Beckham's Posh Powder Room.” Google, Google, www.google.com/amp/s/www.hollywoodreporter.com/amp/news/mary-j-bliges-hollywood-walk-fame-star-ceremony-singer-reveals-she-was-homeless-1074499.